I love the idea behind Pay It Forwards no matter what shape or form they come in. I was fortunate enough to become involved in one, even though the crafter didn't particularly want to post outside of the US. I can't wait for this surprise to appear on my door step.
So... here it goes...The concept of a PIF occurs when acts of kindness are performed without expecting anything in return and are passed on, trusting that the recipients will do the same and Pay It Forward, resulting in a never ending chain of kindness.By signing on, my commitment is to make and send a gift to the first 3 friends who post a comment to this post requesting to join this exchange and who promise to Pay It Forward to 3 other persons, and so on.I am not exactly sure what my three gifts will be just yet, but I will assure you it will be a gift made by me and from my heart that I will send to you within the next 365 days. This way, it will be completely unexpected and will be that much more rewarding. By signing on, what YOU then have to do in return is to Pay It Forward by making the same announcement and commitment on YOUR blog. I am very excited to be participating in this wonderful venture and I hope you too will join me.If you are one of the first 3 that sign up, please be sure there is a way I can contact you through your blog or email so I can get your contact info.
For those of you out there that arn't quilters but follow my blog in some way, (or just happened to stumble across me by chance) that is fine as well. It doesn't have to be a quilt related project, can be absolutely anything you think is from the heart that someone else would like.
So... Who will be my 3 PIFs???
On another note, I have a great blog for you all tomorrow, my first complete quilt, from cutting to finishing binding in less that 24 hours!!! thats a record for me! Maybe I will break it one day!