Right I have decided to partake in Made by me March '11. Having joined very late, and not sure that I actually have that many clothes to wear. I thought it was best I got in both feet first as it was and make something for work.
I'm always annoyed in the morning that I cant find a pair of trousers or something when I dont have legs for skirts. Or that I have nothing brown to wear. So I found this pattern (while actually looking for a blouse pattern)
Its a womans weekly (magazine) pattern, there is no date on it at all but as far as I can tell from the fashions its probably mid 80's.
The item I made was the trousers from view D. I had to make quite a few alterations (if I left all the pleats in after cutting the fabric out I think it would have been tooo detailed. So I took the one in the middle of the waist band out. They aren't actually sewn on the pattern but I figure that would make me look even more pregnant than I already do (even though I'm not)
The waistband wasn't working at all so allow me to wear these as high waisted trousers I removed the waist band and hemmed the top.
I also had to cut quite a bit away from the bottom of the trousers to get them to suit my length. Does anyone else find a height problem with Me made clothes?
Next project will be the top that comes with this pattern, and maybe the dress (shorter one) but with straps.