Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Quilt block Swap

Not sure if I shared this information with you before, but Im part of the quilt block swap. I get really excited at the begining of every month to find out who my partner is and make exciting blocks for them. Unfortunatly due to my excitement with my job interviews etc I never got round to blogging about this one. Really sorry about this Angela, this block is absolutely amazing, and Im really sorry the photograph doesn't really do it justice!!

I promise you it didn't arrive this screwed up. I'm looking forward to collecting these over the next few months and making myself a gorgeous bed quilt for my first house I plan on buying in 12 months(ish) time!

It would be absolutely amazing to say this quilt was made all over the world especially by me, and know that as much love and care was put into them as there was into the squares I made for others.

Thanks again Angela,


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